I'm feeling alittle Inspired today since Ps. Reuben spoke on Passion today and one of the particular things he spoke about Passion was finding people who will reignite your passion. Which I had been surfing around the net and stumbled upon some interesting things that has the exact purpose of this blog itself! It's been quite a while since i kept my promised on the revealing of Project MFSC, but to keep it alive, i'll be posting talot of sketches that has been missing out on the blog especially the least updated ones before the blog started. Although most of the sketches has been updated on my Project MFSC folder in FB , but I honestly had to share it here for the lack of masterpieces I had uploaded. So here would be Part 1 starting for the earlier sketches i have done for Project MFSC..
Apparently, FB doesn't SAVE AS pictures anymore for the stupid viewer anymore NOOO!!!!!!!
A link provided first till i get a solution to get it done.. kinda lazy right now and wee hours in the morn, goin to my awesomely Dad's house tomorrow and joining my huge family every sunday!
See ya soon! ~