Monday, December 13, 2010

Modification Yamaha Vega With Color Combination

Modification Yamaha Vega With Color CombinationModifications yamaha vega simple (fashion) can produce a good display. The key, harmony. Between the display, modification, and must be solid colors. For example, Yamaha Vega-R results from garapan Custom World (CW).
Modification Yamaha Vega With Color CombinationJohny Lipurnomo, owner of CW, return after his work before this also use to model Yamaha jetski formed. Now, with this Yamaha Vega, he was trying to take the flow of fashion with style racing look.

From the modifications do not have the extreme. In accordance with the modification simple concept, "Style fashion, but there are elements balapnya," said Johny bermarkas in the area of Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.

Modification Yamaha Vega With Color CombinationAs mentioned above, the matter of harmony, drag a vertical line from the front to the back corners on the line have the same rhythm. Hold, the swing arm using the pipe rounded, as in the Ducati Monster, may be inspired from the Italian motor, and had never been on duck.
Modification Yamaha Vega With Color Combination
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